Creative license

Creative license - Humbert and Pristina are intended to be mockingbirds, mocking the human race. Humbert is depicted having two wisps of feathers on his head. This is only to distinguish him from her. No intent is given to represent true mockingbirds which do not have such markings. So, for true birders please rest from reality, it is just for fun. Many Regards - TJ Ginn PS - Make some comments. It lets me know someone is watching. Of course, I moderate so be kind.

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Thursday, June 20, 2019

OVER POPULATION is due to breeders that just need to fornicate

repost 6/26/2019

I did not seem to get any traction with the Headline 'FORNICATION'
so, I'm reposting with a new title...
 Over population is due to breeders that just need to fornicate.
Hordes of orphans are pouring in from Central America.
The world is degrading into a cesspool of humans with no virtue and Hollywood
as well as all sensationalistic media is trying to shock and awe to get ratings.
Women compete to see who can get naked for money and
then shame men for looking.

It is time to shame fornicators that will make any excuse under their
holy civil rights. They pollute your children with pornography and
make no connection between copulation and procreation, while
abortion is used as a last ditch means of birth control.

I define the term stupid as 'could learn but refuses'
Existentially, a species so disconnected from the commonsense of the
natural world is doomed to destruction.

Idiots spew their right to sexual freedom and that of free speech and
pollute the world of social media and your children while
you are powerless to do anything about it.
It is cool to be bad and no one can stop them.


Over population is due to breeders that just need to fornicate.
They could care less for the child.
This is a global crisis of epic proportion.

In my novel 'Children of the Seven Hills' I explain how we got
to this awful place with the relaxing of the social morals.
My generation was taught by Hugh Hefner that fornication was
just a-okay; that pornography is just adult entertainment.
If you think you are a parent teaching your children right from wrong,
think again. The world is teaching your children fornication and
you have no choice but to watch it happen.

Unless we shame the ones lacking in the virtue of civility
we will drown in the cries of unwanted children with no parents
to teach them right from wrong. 

I'm not a Victorian Prude, I'm an adult that learned the ills promiscuity.

Simple solution... and existentially this need not have
any religious affiliation; on a global level prosecute child abandonment.
Guarantee the protection of the child for eighteen years of rearing and
hold the dame and sire accountable.

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