Never has there been a time such as the present for great invention. The world needs inventors and creators to face our challenges. If you think it has all been done, think again. New technologies are springing up everyday. Get on board. Dream that dream and make the world better.
Birdies online © was originally conceived in 2012. I did only one cartoon and parked the idea for a later date. It came to life again in 2017 when I woke-up laughing from a dream. So I decided to see it anew.
It was originally intended to be a perspective on philosophy but then what better philosophy than the dialog between a husband and wife who often times are speaking different languages about the same thing. As Nietzsche stated, "There are no facts, only interpretations." Hope you have a laugh or two, it is good for your health.
It was originally intended to be a perspective on philosophy but then what better philosophy than the dialog between a husband and wife who often times are speaking different languages about the same thing. As Nietzsche stated, "There are no facts, only interpretations." Hope you have a laugh or two, it is good for your health.
Many Regards - TJ Ginn
Original concept done in 2012 and parked for a later date.